2020| Commissioned Works | Music for Flute & Guitar | Music for Flute Guitar & Viola | Music for Flute & Strings
Music for Flute & Strings
The listed works form a central part of our repertoire, have received multiple performances, and are musically satisfying to both player and listener.
Oswald’s Airs for the Four Seasons
for 2 flutes (or Violins) and cello
arr. Jan BolandPub: ALRY Publications
Named a WINNER of the National Flute Associations’s Newly Published Music Competition in 2022.
James Oswald’s Airs for the Four Season, published about 1755, is an excellent example of the merging of the Celtic and the Baroque. The eight works in this edition were selected from Oswald’s original 48 for their character and hints of Celtic influence. Each is very brief _ only about 4 minutes in length _ and provides a broad range of performance flexibility from occasional music to the concert stage. Arranged by Jan Boland. They make a welcome alternative to the beloved Haydn London Trios for this combination of instruments. See and hear video on YouTube.
10 Pocket-Sized Trios
Flute, Guitar, and Cello
with alternatives for flute and guitar duo
arr. Jan BolandPub: ALRY Publications
Hear the pieces in full on the publishers website.
Received Honorable Mention in the Mixed Trios division –– Newly Published Music Competition of the National Flute Association in 2020.
A set of short, charming trios for flute, guitar and cello _ with alternatives for just flute and guitar duo. Arranged by jan Boland. These of pleasing tunes were created to fill a need for shorter light tunes to compliment our public concerts that featured larger works. These 10 pieces are two to three minutes each and represent a variety of styles: classical, American folk, Shaker song, Hebrew love song, Bolivian folk and a wave to opera. You may listen them in full on the ALRY Publications website.
• Dvorak Humoresque
• A Shaker Melody Simple Gifts
• Arditi Kiss Waltz
• Traditional Erev Shel Shoshaim
• Bolivian Folk Tune: Desde Santa Cruz
• Foster Beautiful Dreamer
• Mozart Canzonetta from Don Giovanni
• Rossini Canzone from the Barber of Seville
• Greig March of the Dwarfs
• Hummel Waltz
Gaspard Kummer
Quintet Op.66 for flute, violin, 2 violas and cello
Edited by Janice Dockendorff BolandPub: ALRY Publications
Hear the quintet in full on the publishers website.
Gaspard Kummer’s Quintet Op.66 has finally received the attention it deserves! Editor Janice Dockendorff Boland has painstakingly researched and restored this piece, based on the facsimile edition in the Library of Congress (Washington, D.C.). Perhaps the most striking quality of this work is the rich sonority created by the two violas (instead of the traditional 2 violins). The work is not a virtuoso flute work with string accompaniment, but a chamber music work in its truest sense. It is beautifully written with interplay and conversation among all the instruments, none of which are relegated to a strictly accompanimental role. In four movements, it is about 25 minutes in length.
Gaspard Kummer
Quintet Op. 75 for 2 flutes, viola, guitar and celloFacsimile Preparation and Introduction by Janice Dockendorff Boland.
Pub: Falls House Press/ Theodore Presser
Kummer wrote beautiful chamber music. This is one of our favorites. We performed and recorded this work on 19th-century period instruments. Equally as lovely, however, on modern instruments. Kummer’s Quintet Op. 75 is a unique work in the chamber music repertoire. I know of no other scored for this combination – 2 flutes, viola, cello and guitar. It is a lovely work in four movements. The Quintet Op. 75 was recorded by Red Cedar Chamber Music on the Fleur de Son Classics label in June, 2010. This is a period instrument recording. Recording artists are Jan Boland and Douglas Worthen (19th-century wooden flutes by Koch and Ziegler), John Dowdall (19th-century gut-strung guitar), David Miller (gut-strung viola) and Loretta O’Sullivan (gut-strung cello).
Peter Bloesch
Christmas Suite
for flute, viola and guitarPub: ALRY Publications
Hear the work in full on the publishers website.
This Christmas Suite for Flute, Viola and Guitar, is a set of six stand-alone arrangements of familiar Christmas songs, with plenty of variety and drama. Can be performed individually or as the complete suite. Commissioned and premiered by Jan Boland and John Dowdall.
- Wassail! (Flute, Viola, Guitar)
- In the Bleak Midwinter (Flute, Viola)
- I Saw Three Ships (Flute, Guitar)
- Away in a Manger (Flute, Viola, Guitar)
- Ding Dong! Merrily on High (Flute, Viola, Guitar)
- Silent Night (Flute, Guitar)
Spillville Variations on a Theme by Dvorak
for flute, viola (or cello) and guitar.
Published by ALRY Publications.
Received Honorable Mention –– Newly Published Music Competition of the National Flute Association in 2018.
A group commissioning project involving 15 Iowa composers.Read about the project– a trio inspired by Dvorak’s American String Quartet.
For flute, guitar and viola. Ten of the variations have an alternate part for the cello.
Recorded on a compact disc titled Czech-Inspired released by Fleur de Son Classics. Jan Boland (flute), David Miller (viola), John Dowdall (guitar)
Harvey Sollberger
for flute, viola and guitarPub: American Composers Alliance
Harvey Sollberger’s Spillville for flute, viola and guitar was commissioned and premiered by Red Cedar Chamber Music in 2006. This brilliant work is in four movements, each a reflection of the corresponding movement of Antonin Dvorak’s American String Quartet, written when Dvorak lived in Spillville, Iowa in the summer of 1893. Sollberger’s Spillville is a fascinating reinterpretation of Dvorák’s musical language as refracted through Harvey Sollberger’s twenty-first century prism. Between each movement is a little serenade – an arrangement of a Czech folk song – each scored for two instruments. This work was later adapted with the cello replacing the viola with the composer’s permissions. See and hear video of a live performance of the flute/guitar/cello version below.
I. Far from Home Movement ISerenade #1: Dobrú Noc, Má Milá [Sleep, my Love] Sleep My Love,II. It Is Very Strange Here Movement IISerenade #2: Dudácká Polka Dudacka PolkaIII. Dvorak and the Scarlet Tanager / his “damn bird.” Movement IIISerenade #3: Tece Voda, Tece [Flow Waters, Flow] Flow Waters Flow.IV. Hasty Retreat Movement IV
Part One: Commissioned Works
Cohn, Stephen. Curfew Must Not Ring Tonight (flute, violin, guitar and cello). Premiere in April,
2016. See and hear video of the premiere on YouTube.
Bozenhard, David. WhirlPoolside (for flute, cello, classical guitar and electric guitar). Premiered October 4, 2014.See and hear video of the premiere (second movement) on YouTube.
Gilbertson, Michael. Three Rivers (for flute, guitar and cello). Premiered June 1, 2014. See and hear videos of the premiere on YouTube Movement I:Movement II: Movement III:
Gilbertson, Michael. Long Journey Home (for flute, guitar and cello). Premiered October, 2012. See and hear video of the premiere on YouTube.
Gilbertson, Michael. Circle the Wagons (for flute, guitar and cello). Premiered October, 2011. See and hear video of the premiere on YouTube.
Iznaola, Ricardo. Danzas de la Abuela (for flute, guitar and cello). Premiered February 23, 2008.
Kimber, Michael. There’s Another Picture in My Mama’s Frame (for alto flute, guitar and cello). Premiere in April, 2016. See and hear video of the premiere on YouTube.
Kimber, Michael. Could You Love a Little Girl Like Me? (for flute, violin, cello and guitar). Premiere April, 2016. See and hear video of the premiere YouTube.
Reznicow, Joshua. new variation for Spillville Variations on a Theme by Dvorak (for flute, viola, and guitar). Premiered September, 2009. Arranged from the work commissioned originally for flute, guitar and viola. See and hear video on YouTube.
Simpson, Andrew Earle. new variation for Spillville Variations on a Theme by Dvorak (for flute, guitar and cello. Premiered September, 2009. Arranged from the work commissioned originally for flute, guitar and viola.
Sollberger, Harvey. Silent Film Suite (for flute, guitar and cello). Premiered in April 25, 2015.See and hear video of the premiere of the movement titled Secret of Death Valley on YouTube.
Sollberger, Harvey. Perhaps Gilead (for flute, guitar and string quartet). Premiered May, 2011. Recorded to compact disc recording titled Spillville & Gilead and released by Fleur de Son Classics in October, 2012. Read about the project. See and hear video of a movement of the premiere on YouTube. Also Movement III: Sunday Afternoon Music at Reverend Boughton’s on YouTube.
Spillville Variations on a Theme by Dvorak (2004) group commissioning project. Read about the project.
– a trio inspired by Dvorak’s American String Quartet. Pub: ALRY Publications (2017). Published parts are for flute, guitar and viola. Ten of the variations have an alternate part for the cello.
Wharton, Philip. The Tiger and the Tub (for flute, violin and cello). Commissioned by Red Cedar Chamber Music. Premiere in April, 2016. See and hear video of the premiere on YouTube.
Part Two: Arrangements
Gershwin, George. Summertime. (flute, guitar and cello) arr. by John Dowdall and Lyle Dockendorff. Frequently played on National Public Radio’s Performance Today.
Gilbertson, Michael. Variation on a Theme of Dvorak. (flute, guitar and cello) from a group commissioning project (2004) originally set for flute, viola and guitar. Adapted for flute, guitar and cello with the composer’s permissions. See and hear a video on YouTube.
Klezmer Tunes: Tish Nign & Rushische Sher. For flute, violin, cello and guitar. Arrangement by Adrianne Greenbaum. Transcribed with the arrangers permissions by Jan Boland. See and hear on Youtube.
Kummer, Gaspard. Theme and Variations on Home Sweet Home. arr. by Jan Boland for flute, guitar and cello.
Mendelssohn, Felix. Three Venetian Boat Songs. From Songs Without Words. arr. Jan Boland for flute, violin, guitar and cello. See and hear video of Op. 30, No. 6 on Youtube.
Owen, Jerry. Trio Concertant after Czech Folk Songs (2002). Arranged from the work commissioned by Red Cedar Chamber Music originally for flute, guitar and viola. See and hear video of a Red Cedar Trio performance of movement titled I Shall Buy a Black Horse on YouTube. Pub: Indian Hill Road Music.
Part Three: Other published works for flute and strings:
Johanson, Bryan. Strum and Jam (1993). For flute, clarinet, violin, guitar and cello. See and hear video of a live performance on YouTube.
Kolosko, Nathan. Hungarian Trio. For guitar, flute and cello. Hear Movement I: Prelude, Movement II: Round Dance, Movement III: Ancient Melody and Movement IV: Spinning Dance on YouTube.
Schocker, Gary. Garden Music (flute, guitar and cello). See and hear video of a Red Cedar performance of the movements Scattering, Aubade, Serenade and Ruins on YouTube. Pub: Falls House Press/Theodore Presser #FH0248.