Tenth Anniversary Season – 2006


Jan Boland, John Dowdall, David Miller

Jan Boland, John Dowdall and David Miller. First concert as the Red Cedar Trio_1996

This is the first photo of the musicians who would eventually become known as the Red Cedar Trio _ Jan Boland, flute;  John Dowdall, guitar; and David Miller, viola. The photo was taken in November 1996. It was after the Trio’s first concert together that Jan Boland and John Dowdall began exploring the possibilities of incorporation. Less than a year later, Red Cedar Chamber Music was founded.

Red Cedar Chamber Music’s tenth season was in 2006

CRST International was the sponsor of Red Cedar Chamber Music’s Tenth Anniversary Season. Tenth Anniversary festivities opened with a Celebration of Community Recognition Banquet on June 14, 2006, and culminated with a Gala Birthday Party at the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library on June 2, 2007. Instead of a celebratory display of fireworks, Ian Smith entertained us post-concert with a dazzling fire dance! In between, the community savored the warmth and hospitality of rural Iowa through Iowa Inspirations bus trips to Spillville and Ainsworth. A customized deck of Red Cedar Chamber Music Tenth Anniversary customized deck of playing cards was the keepsake.

The 2006-2007 Concert Series brimmed with beautiful music and featured the return of favorite guest artists performing the best of Red Cedar’s nineteenth-century literature on period instruments. After all, 19th-century music is what makes Red Cedar so unique. The community celebrated Red Cedar’s first decade and its commitment to continue providing wonderful chamber music for generations to come.

Tenth Anniversary Events

June 14, 2006: A Celebration of Community Recognition Banquet under a tent along the Cedar River on the Red Cedar River Way, Cedar Rapids. Thirty-one people without whom Red Cedar would not exist were honored. Keynote speaker was Margaret Lioi, Executive Director of Chamber Music America (NY). We invited the community to help us celebrate. $30.

October 21, 2006: Mentored by Mozart. Concert at Westminster Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids. Sponsored by D.C. Taylor Co.

Bus Trips: One-day bus trips to Iowa’s coolest small towns. Bus trip to Spillville, Protivin and Quasqueton took place on Sunday, October 8, 206. Bus trip to Ainsworth/Kalona took place on Saturday, April 21, 2007. The experiences were accompanied by chamber music.

February 24, 2007: More Ries’s pieces, please! Concert at First Presbyterian Church, Cedar Rapids. Sponsored by George J. Naxera, Jr.

June 2 , 2007: To Chocen, with Love. Concluding Concert and gala Birthday Party. At the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library, Cedar Rapids. Sponsored by GreatAmerica Leasing.

Jan Boland & John Dowdall

10th Anniversary Playing Cards._ Jan Boland & John Dowdall

What’s the deal?
We’ve trumped the customary commemorative history book with a unique, fun and slightly wacky keepsake – custom playing cards. Our elegant Red Cedar logo is on the back, but on the front – surprise! You’ll find pictures of Red Cedar supporters, concert goers, musicians, composers, kids, and even John in his hippie days.

Iowa Inspirations Bus Trips
Come share the inspiration!
We thought for the Tenth Anniversary Season we might take you all to Prague. Instead, we decided – why not explore the riches of our own backyard? Join Jan and John and friends of Red Cedar for trips to inspirational rural Iowa communities, discovered on our Rural Outreach Concert tours.
Tour guide, historian and storyteller extraordinaire Michael Zahs takes you behind the scenes to reveal secrets of Iowa, unknown to the average tourist! Savor delicious ethnic meals and intimate chamber music by Jan & John in unique settings. Let Iowa inspire you! Space limited to 30 people per trip. The cost is $75 per trip– includes transportation, guided tours, meals, and live chamber music!

Sunday, October 8, 2006 – Antonine Dvorak Country 
Depart Cedar Rapids at 6:00 a.m. after coffee & kolaches from Sykora Bakery. Return at 6:00 p.m.
• Head for Spillville– hear Mass at St. Wenceslaus Church where Dvorak played the organ, and walk Dvorak’s path along the Turkey River.
• Feast on specially prepared Bohemian fare in Protivin.
• Tour the Quasqueton home of Frank Lloyd Wright, then share inspirations of the day around a fire circle on the Wapsipinicon River.

Saturday, April 21, 2007 – Amish & Ainsworth
Depart Cedar Rapids at 8:30 a.m. Return at 8:30 p.m.
• View the inspired work of Amish quilters and experience real Amish “home cooking” in an Amish home in Kalona.
• Traverse a 200-foot-long swinging bridge and learn the architecture of barns of rural Iowa.
• Relax at the Ainsworth Opera House with dinner, chamber music and a unique sampling of early silent films — all topped off with birthday cake and ice cream.

Tenth Anniversary Season – 2006


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Jan Boland, John Dowdall, David Miller
Jan Boland & John Dowdall
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